Corporate Programs
- Organisations
- Individuals
Continous change and work pressure is a reality to be faced and managed effectively by the organisations. The wellbeing of the employees is the key to the wellbeing of an organisation.
Life by Choice offers corporate programs that are customised, experiential and interactive.
The programs are designed to introduce the employees to techinques that aid in developing skills to be successful at work and personally. The techniques when practiced help in understanding, exploring and channelising one's energy towards peaceful growth and meaningful life. The programs offer the opportunity to enrich one's life through the synthesis of ancient wisdom backed by scientific researches of the millennium.
Workshops are designed and customised according to the requirement of the organisation or a choice can be made from the list given below:
Spiritual Intelligence
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"
Spiritual Intelligence is defined as the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion maintaining inner and outer equanimity regardless of the circumstances. An individuals actions in a given situation determine his Spiritual quotient. A high SQ person will maintain a resourceful state with higher energy level, resilience and equanimity and skillful action while facing a challenge. A successful leader is able to navigate through challenging situations, inspire people, communicate effectively, be compassionate and exhibit profound humility while remaining calm amidst it all. A matured leadership requires higher stages of development coming from high spiritual intelligence.
It is a program designed to provide the skills to enhance and translate spirituality in work and life.
LifeStyle Modification and Stress Management
“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”
“Lifestyle” includes everything one does that may impact's one's health, either positively or negatively. This program generates awareness of the individual's life style and its holistic impact on wellbeing. A healthy lifestyle is an essential ingredient of any stress management program. Stress is a part of everyone's life but how we deal with it is the key component that determines our wellbeing.
This program provides the participants with the practical tools that will help them prevent lifestyle diseases, improving sleep disorders, break out of anxiety and restore health and resiliency to meet challenges. The program helps in aiding organisations to increase productivity by reduced sickness absentism, improved physical, mental, emotional health, better stress coping mechanism, improved morale and confidence.
Rediscover Balance
“The journey is the destination”
This program helps pace one's life and honour one's needs. The participants assess their life, prioritize and are inspired through a structured process to take charge of their life. Purposefully designed to be practical and easy to implement, it aims to reignite passion in life and work. It is a program that emphazises on achievement with enjoyment. Balance in work and life can play a phenomenal role in the attainment of personal and professional goals.
The outcome for the organization is enhanced performance and accountability of employees working towards meaningful contribution.
Mind Power
'It is the nature of thought to find its way into action"
All physical reality is made of vibrations which includes our thoughts as revealed by quantum physics. Our life is the manifestation of our thoughts. Whatever be our vision, we can achieve it, when we can consciously direct our thoughts.
This program is designed to enable the participants to quiet the mind, harness the power of the subconscious mind, learn to consciously direct thoughts thereby enhancing clarity while decision making, vision and creativity.
Effective Living
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle"
Effective people are confident, dynamic, self motivated, self controlled and creative. This program emphasizes on self empowerment thereby contributing positively in the environment one is in. It is designed to enhance creativity, efficiency, vitality and build a greater sense of purpose and teamwork.
It is a program for individuals who wish to inspire by example.
Life By Choice
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny"
A program that inspires self love and empowers participants to, think, talk and act in accordance to their dreams. Determination and will are important factors to achieve the desired goals and overcome all obstacles professionally and personally.
This program emphasizes on techniques that help overcome fears and self limiting beliefs that hinder one's growth and progress. It gently works towards helping participants to assume personal responsibility towards one's life and embrace perspectives which can open new fields to create a life that one consciously chooses to live.
Anger Management
"No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched"
A program whereby participants are provided with tools to manage their anger more effectively. Practicing these techniques enables the participants to recognize the onset of frustrations and settle them in a way that allows them to express their needs, while in control. Coping with anger is an acquired skill. The workshop aims to empower the participants with techniques which aid not in just controlling outward behavior but also the internal response.